Build your own Product/Market Fit Engine

OpinionX is a free research tool for ranking and segmenting customers’ preferences, helping you run PMF surveys that uncover who your biggest fans are and why without any advanced analysis required.

Measure your PMF Score with ease

Evaluate the percentage of customers that would be “Very Disappointed” to lose access to your product with a free OpinionX survey.

Create a free PMF survey on OpinionX →

Validate why your top fans love your product

Find out how your best customers think — like which features are driving most value or which benefits they’re getting from your product.

How to measure your Product/Market Fit →

Uncover what’s stopping users from becoming top fans

Send users to different questions based on their answers so that you can ask targeted questions to the right respondents.

Branching logic on OpinionX →

PMF Survey Branching Conditional Logic Based On Answer - Product Market Fit Score Poll

Discover your ideal customer profile

See which types of people had the highest “Very Disappointed” percentage, helping you sharpen your ICP definition and targeting.

Segmentation Matrix on OpinionX →

PMF Survey Ideal Customer Profile Target Customer Research Segmentation Matrix Filter Analysis

Measure your PMF Score with ease

Evaluate the percentage of customers that would be “Very Disappointed” to lose access to your product with a free OpinionX survey.

How to measure Product/Market Fit →

Validate why your top fans love your product

Find out how your best customers think — like which features are driving most value or which benefits they’re getting from your product.

How to filter results by segment →

PMF Survey Branching Conditional Logic Based On Answer - Product Market Fit Score Poll

Uncover what’s stopping users from becoming top fans

Send users to different questions based on their answers so that you can ask targeted questions to the right respondents.

Branching logic on OpinionX →

Discover your ideal customer profile

See which types of people had the highest “Very Disappointed” percentage, helping you sharpen your ICP definition and targeting.

Segmentation Matrix on OpinionX →

PMF Survey Ideal Customer Profile Target Customer Research Segmentation Matrix Filter Analysis

Try a PMF survey yourself:

⬆️ Example of a PMF survey hosted on OpinionX ⬆️

Interactive Results 🕹️

See how OpinionX’s results dashboards work for this sample PMF survey (or create your own!)

Powering research for thousands of teams

Create PMF Surveys on OpinionX for FREE

OpinionX offers unlimited surveys, questions, participants, and teammate seats entirely for free. Create and launch your own PMF survey in under 5 minutes: